Webinar - State of transition in the banking sector 2024: From words to action: banking on net zero – video recording


The Transition Pathway Initiative Centre, based at the London School of Economics and Political Science, assessed the climate ambitions of 26 major international banks, ten US super-regional banks, and two custodian banks for the State of Transition in the Banking Sector report. Despite banks setting targets to tackle climate change, there remains a huge gap with the policies they are implementing to reach their goals. The banks are still in the early stages of the low-carbon transition, and the current ambition and scope of their actions remain insufficient to meet climate goals. 

The webinar, From words to action: banking on net zero, presented the results from the banking assessments, followed by the panel discussions.

Introduction and Presentation:

  • David Russell, Chair of Transition Pathway Initiative Ltd.
  • Valentin Jahn, Senior Policy Fellow, Deputy Director, TPI Centre at the London School of Economics


  • Masamichi Kono, Senior Advisor, MUFG Bank,  Member of Global Advisory Board, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Trustee, IFRS Foundation
  • Maria Tinedo, Financial Institutions and TMT Programs Director, Emerging Markets Investors Alliance (EMIA) 
  • Moderator: Carmen Nuzzo, Professor in Practice, Executive Director, TPI Centre at the London School of Economics

The panel discussed:

  • "Easy wins” that banks can implement to start off their climate strategies
  • Trends and challenges in emerging markets
  • Impediments to transition finance
  • Steps needed to create a dialogue among the relevant stakeholders to accelerate the net zero transition

We hope you find the report’s results and the discussions insightful. Please take a few minutes to take this post-webinar survey and share your thoughts, so we can bring you more resources tailored to your needs. We would greatly appreciate your time.