How investors use TPI data

TPI is not prescriptive about how its data can be used and does not impose any obligations on supporting organisations. Investors can, and do, use TPI data in different ways to make their own decisions as outlined below. 

  • Active Ownership – incorporated into their engagement strategy. 
  • Demonstrating Commitment – show beneficiaries, clients or stakeholders that your interventions as investors are meaningfully contributing to the goals of the Paris Agreement, and that you are effectively managing the risks and opportunities presented by the transition.
  • Due Diligence – investee due diligence procedures to vet potential investments to understand their state of transition.
  • ESG Integration – using TPI data to understand if holdings align with the pathways set by the Paris Agreement and build this into investment decision making, portfolio construction or risk management process.
  • Exclusions – shape sophisticated exclusions policies. 
  • Product Creation – create climate-sensitive financial products that can drive more climate aware company behaviours such as the FTSE TPI Climate Transition Index.
  • Voting – shape approaches to proxy voting. 
For in-depth examples of how investors and other organisations use TPI data to enhance their investment decision-making and encourage change corporate behaviour, please browse our series of case studies below and read our endorsements. Although TPI was developed primarily with investors in mind, our data are also available to and used by companies and wider civil society. 
If you would like to submit an example of how you are using TPI data, please contact us

TPI data in index design and passive investing – Laura Hills, Church of England Pensions Board

TPI data in the investment process – Sindhu Krishna and Sofia Bartholdy