TPI State of Transition Report 2024: Launch Event


This event will present the key findings of the new Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) State of Transition Report, which analyses the status, trends, and regional patterns in the latest TPI Carbon Performance and Management Quality assessment results. Through a series of presentations and panel discussions, the authors and market participants will explore the key sections of the report.

This event also offers a chance to hear about the achievements of the Transition Pathway Initiative Centre (TPI Centre) since its launch in 2022 at the LSE, including the research outputs and data offering it has produced. 


Registrations  (14:00 – 14:30)

Welcome (14:30-14:35) 

  • Dr Carmen Nuzzo – Executive Director, TPI Centre, LSE

Opening Remarks (14:35-14:45)  

  • Prof. Susana Mourato – Professor, Environmental Economics; Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor of Research, LSE 
  • David Russell – Board Chair, TPI Ltd 
  • Stephanie Maier – Global Head of Sustainable, FTSE Russell

State of Transition Report 2024 Presentation (14:45-15:10)  

  • Prof. Simon Dietz – TPI Centre Research Director and Professor of Environmental Policy, Department of Geography, LSE

Panel Session I: State of Transition 2024: Rising to the Challenge (15:10-16:00) 

  • Jo Paisley – President, Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) Risk Institute
  • Sundip Jadeja – ISSB Technical Staff, IFRS S1 Project Lead, International Standard Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation
  • Lucian Peppelenbos – Climate Strategist, Robeco
  • Prof. Simon Dietz – TPI Centre Research Director and Professor of Environmental Policy, Department of Geography, LSE
  • Moderator: Faith Ward – Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Brunel Pension Partnership, TPI Ltd Board Member

Coffee Break (16:00-16:25)

Panel Session II: Beyond sectoral assessments: evaluating companies through a regional lens (16:25-17:25)

  • Roberto Fernández Albendea – Global ESG Director of Finance, Control and Corporate Development, Iberdrola
  • Annika Brouwer – Sustainability Analyst, NinetyOne
  • Laura Hillis – Director, Climate & Environment  Responsible Investment, Church of England Pensions Board
  • Moderator: Antonina Scheer – Research Project Manager, Policy Fellow, TPI Centre

Panel Session III: The role of lenders in the net zero transition (17:25-18:20)

  • Dana Barsky – Global Head of Sustainability Strategy and Net Zero, Standard Chartered Bank
  • Agnieszka Paulina Smoleńska – Visiting Fellow; Assistant Professor at the Florence School of Banking and Finance, Grantham Research Institute
  • Tim Smith – Investment Manager, Norges Bank Investment Management
  • Moderator: Valentin Jahn – Principal Research Project Manager, Policy Fellow, TPI Centre

Next Steps

  • Dr Carmen Nuzzo – Executive Director, TPI Centre, LSE

Drinks (18:30 – 20:00) – Staff Common Room – 5th Floor – Old Building, Houghton Street, LSE 

To watch the Live stream of this event online, please
click here.