Webinar - Spotlight on food producers: measuring progress towards net zero emissions - video recording


The TPI Centre’s Carbon Performance project is a free, publicly available, independent tool that quantitatively assesses companies' historical emissions intensities and targeted emissions reduction pathways against different climate scenarios. Following the release of the Carbon Performance assessment of food producers: note on methodology in January 2024, this webinar presented the first rounds of results from applying the new methodology and showcased how the data will benefit TPI tool users. 
During this webinar (held on 11 April 2024), speakers introduced the TPI Centre's Carbon Performance tool, presented the food producers' methodology and shared findings from the first assessment of 26 food producers. The session highlighted how food producers are aligning with international climate goals and where the critical gaps are in their journey to a low-carbon economy. 


Note: this recording has been edited, because the views expressed by one of the speakers were in a personal capacity and not on behalf of the participant's organisation.


  • David Russell, TPI
  • Simon Dietz, TPI Centre, LSE
  • Valentin Jahn, TPI Centre, LSE
  • Cristóbal Budnevich Portales, TPI Centre, LSE
  • Ion Visinovschi, Planet Tracker