Webinar - ASCOR Tool Launch - video recording


Assessing Sovereign Climate-related Opportunities and Risks (ASCOR) is an investor-led project to develop a free, publicly available, independent tool that assesses countries on climate change. Following the release of the ASCOR tool in December 2023, this webinar launched the tool and showcased research insights and market participant reflections.

During this webinar (held on 8 February 2024) , speakers introduced the collaborative project, presented the methodology and shared findings from the first assessment of 25 countries. Asset managers and sovereign issuers also discussed how the new ASCOR tool will benefit their analysis and decisions.


• Victoria Barron, ASCOR co-chair, Head of Sustainable Investment, Brightwell Pensions

• Antonina Scheer, Research Project Manager, TPI Centre, LSE

• Johannes Honneth, Analyst, TPI Centre, LSE

• Claudia Gollmeier, Managing Director Singapore & Senior Investment Officer, Colchester Global Investors

• Esther Law, Senior Investment Manager EM Debt & Responsible Investing Lead, Amundi Asset Management

• Alexandra Beust, Head of Investor Relations & Green Finance, German Finance Agency

• Herman Kamil, Head of Debt Management Office, Uruguay Ministry of Economy and Finance

• Adam Matthews, ASCOR co-chair, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Church of England Pensions Board