Europe and Central Asia
World Bank lending group
IMF Fiscal Monitor Category
Advanced economies
Type of Party to the UNFCCC
Annex I and Annex II
Pillar 1

Emissions Pathways

Area EP.1
Emissions Trends
a. Has the country improved its emissions profile over the past 5 years?
b. Is the most recent 5-year trend aligned with meeting the country's 1.5°C benchmark?
c. Is the most recent 5-year trend aligned with meeting the country’s 1.5°C fair share?
Area EP.2
2030 Targets
a. Has the country set a 2030 emissions reduction target?
i. What is the targeted reduction relative to 2019 emissions?
b. Does the country specify whether and how much carbon credits may contribute to its 2030 target?
i. What percentage of the 2030 target will be met using carbon credits?
c. Is the country’s 2030 target aligned with its 1.5°C benchmark?
i. What is the degree of alignment with its 1.5°C benchmark?
No Data
d. Is the country’s 2030 target aligned with its 1.5°C fair share?
i. What is the degree of alignment with its 1.5°C fair share?
Area EP.3
Net Zero Targets
a. Has the country set a net zero CO₂ target?
i. In what year is the net zero CO₂ target set?
b. Is the country’s net zero CO₂ target aligned with a global 1.5°C scenario?
c. Is the country’s net zero CO₂ target aligned with an accelerated deadline for high-income countries?
Pillar 2

Climate Policies

Area CP.1
Climate Legislation
a. Does the country have a framework climate law or equivalent?
b. Does the country's framework climate law specify key accountability elements?
Area CP.2
Carbon Pricing
a. Does the country have a carbon pricing system?
b. Does the country's carbon pricing system cover at least 50% of national greenhouse gas emissions?
i. What percentage of national greenhouse gas emissions is covered by an explicit carbon price?
c. Is the carbon price at least at the floor of a global carbon price corridor aligned with the Paris Agreement?
i. What is the country's most recent explicit carbon price?
100.44 US$/tCO2e
Area CP.3
Fossil Fuels
a. Has the country committed to a deadline by which to phase out fossil fuel subsidies?
i. By what year has the country committed to phase out fossil fuel subsidies?
No or unsuitable disclosure
b. Does the country publish an inventory of explicit fossil fuel subsidies?
i. How much is spent annually on explicit fossil fuel subsidies as a percentage of GDP?
c. Has the country committed not to approve new coal mines?
i. What is the level of coal rents in the country as a percentage of GDP?
d. Has the country committed not to approve new long-lead-time upstream oil and gas projects?
i. What is the level of oil rents in the country as a percentage of GDP?
ii. What is the level of natural gas rents in the country as a percentage of GDP?
Area CP.4
Sectoral Transitions
a. Does the country have a multi-sector climate strategy?
b. Does the country have a law and target on energy efficiency?
i. What is the country's energy intensity of primary energy?
4.82 MJ/PPP-adjusted GDP
c. Has the country established mandatory climate-related disclosure?
d. Has the country set a net zero electricity target aligned with 1.5°C?
i. What percentage of the country’s electricity generation is from low-carbon sources?
e. Has the country increased its protected areas as a percentage of total land area over the last 5 years?
i. What is the amount of protected area in the country as a percentage of total land area?
Area CP.5
a. Has the country published a National Adaptation Plan?
b. Does the country regularly publish national climate risk assessments?
c. Has the country published a Monitoring & Evaluation report on implementing adaptation?
d. Does the country have a multi-hazard early warning system?
e. Is the country part of a sovereign catastrophe risk pool?
Area CP.6
Just Transition
a. Has the country ratified fundamental human, labour, and Indigenous rights conventions?
i. At what percentile is the country's Voice and Accountability estimate?
b. Does the country have an inclusive and institutionalised approach on the just transition?
c. Does the country have a green jobs strategy?
d. Does the country integrate just transition into its carbon pricing?
Pillar 3

Climate Finance

Area CF.1
International Climate Finance
a. Does the country contribute at least a proportional share of the $100 billion commitment to climate finance?
i. What is the country’s 3-year average climate finance contribution as a % of GDP?
b. Does the country’s targeted climate finance contribution represent at least a proportional share of the $100 billion commitment?
i. What is the country’s targeted level of international climate finance contributions as a % of GDP?
Area CF.2
Transparency in Climate Costing
a. Has the country disclosed a transparent breakdown of the costs of implementing its Nationally Determined Contribution?
b. Has the country disclosed a transparent breakdown of the costs of implementing its National Adaptation Plan?
Area CF.3
Transparency in Climate Spending
a. Has the country disclosed its climate-related expenditure?
b. Does the country apply climate budget tagging?
Area CF.4
Renewable Energy Opportunities
i. What is the country's prospective solar energy capacity?
39.59 MW/US$ billion GDP
ii. What is the country’s prospective wind energy capacity?
139.67 MW/US$ billion GDP
iii. What is the country’s prospective geothermal energy capacity?
No data
iv. What is the country’s prospective hydroelectric energy capacity?
0.25 MW/US$ billion GDP
Research notes:

Assessment results are based on in-depth policy research drawing on publicly-available government documents or third-party data providers. The principal source for each assessment result is provided. Some indicators and metrics are based on calculations undertaken by the TPI Centre. See the ASCOR methodology note for further details. Note that the country's renewable energy opportunities (CF 4) should be interpreted taking into consideration that the share of low-carbon energy sources in electricity generation (CP 4.d.i) is already above 90%.

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