Management Quality: All sectors

Distribution of companies in All sectors according to the management of their greenhouse gas emissions and of risks and opportunities to the low-carbon transition.

Carbon Performance in 2050: All sectors

CP alignment with the Paris agreement benchmarks by sector and cluster (number and % of companies). Please note that this information is not available for all sectors.


The TPI’s methodology was developed by an international group of asset owners in partnership with the TPI Centre, supported by data from FTSE Russell. The TPI Centre assesses companies on two dimensions based on publicly available information: Management Quality covers companies’ governance of greenhouse gas emissions and the risks and opportunities arising from the low-carbon transition and Carbon Performance, which tests the alignment of company targets with the UN Paris Agreement goals. Benchmarking is sector-specific and based on emissions intensity. We use three benchmark scenarios for each sector, which in most sectors are: 1.5 Degrees, Below 2 Degrees and National Pledges.
For an in-depth account of the methodology please see the Methodology report.


By Simon Dietz, Robert Ingham and Valentin Jahn

Carbon Performance Management Quality Methodology